Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Even on the hard days

Hello Everyone,

I want to start off my post with a personal experience that I had recently while on my mission. I'm going to give a little background for those of you who aren't very familiar with how LDS missions go. Every six weeks we have potential of being moved to a new area of work, with a new companion. My first six weeks didn't happen the way I thought they would. I struggled a lot, even had a few moments where I wanted to go home because I knew I wasn't ready for everything the Lord needed me to do. Everyday I was falling short of what I knew I should be doing. I was being coming frustrated. And I even had a couple anxiety problems (again. For those of you who remember, before I came out on my mission. I was required to take therapy to help my managing my anxiety). I was so frustrated because I was suppose to know how to control my anxiety.
As I started my next six weeks (transfer) I was determined to make it the best six weeks of my life. The idea came from a recently General Conference talk by an Apostle President Uchtdorf "Grateful in any circumstance"  I'd like to share a short paragraph that helped me recognize the importance of being grateful in every situation.

     "Being grateful in our circumstacnes is an act of faith in God. It requires that we trust God and hope for things we may not see but which are true. By being grateful, we follow the example of our beloved Savior, who said, "Not my will, but thine, be done."

The idea I decided was to make my situation the best I could. If something went wrong, I'd find the postive in the situation. Now, let me tell you this much, that was the hardest parts some days. You may wonder why I decided to make such an effort to find the best of every situation. As I did this I come to realize that in EVERY situation, EVERY experience, EVERY trail I come face to face with here on earth. The Lord was always with me. Those days I thought I was drowning in ocean Christ was caring me upon His back till I got my balance and realized the plan He has in store for me.

I can honestly say, I've learned a very valuable lesson that Heavenly Father wants me to be happy. He isn't trying to make me miserable or see how much I can handle in one day. But He is making me become the best I can become. I just have to depend on Him. How can you depend on Him? ... pray allow him into your heart. He will be able to help you face the hard days. I truly have a testimony of this, I know that wilthout a doubt he will help you. I'm still everyday learning how to rely on the Lord. But I know He will NEVER leave you completely alone. He will bless you. He loves you so much, and you are an amazing Son or Daughter of God.

Sister Phillips